I Don't Ask Why Me? I Ask Why Not Me?
I don't ask why me? I ask why not me? When I stand in front of a group of powerful leaders with the intent of helping them live up to their potential, I don't question my ability, my skills, my education my achievements. I earned my place at the front of the class. I am a leader and you can't take away what is authentic and fact.
Black women have been stripped of everything from the cradle to the grave. We've had to consistently fight systematic injustices because of color and gender. So, when we beat the system, I say we embrace it with a "why not me?"
I realise impostor syndrome is very real, because I see it in my work as an Executive Leadership Coach everyday. It effects 70 percent of all male and female leaders in the work place.
So, when you feel like a fraud, take time out to review your signature strengths - those core leadership competencies that you can give specific examples of such as, appreciating diversity, developing people, creating a shared vision, leading change, building partnerships, thinking globally, demonstrating integrity, maintaining a competitive edge among others.
Your achievements are rooted in your specific examples. Your examples are your facts. Facts and data are proof of your success.
We exist in such a fast-paced, highly stressed world, that we rarely take the time out to remember how we got to the top and value what we bring to the table. Do that from time to time to remind yourself to ask the question: Why not me?
#leadershipcoach #legacyleadership #blackwomeninbusiness #leadershipdevelopment #csuiteconversations